History: The following information has recently been declassified. Epsilon III was abandoned over 500 years ago by an unknown alien race who left one of their own, by the name of Varn, in charge of the massive machineries that are in place deep below the planet's surface. Varn existed through the centuries in bio-mechanical symbiosis with the Great Machine, keeping it well hidden from prying eyes and using its instruments to explore the universe in spirit. Then he began to die. In his dying he began to lose control over the Great Machine and it began create earthquakes. In time, his place was taken by a Minbari, Draal, and the earthquakes stopped. Draal then entrusted the safekeeping and protection of himself and the Great Machine to the Babylon 5 Advisory Council, though by the power that was displayed by the Great Machine this seems little needed. Since then Draal has allowed select forces to land on Epsilon III. During the recent Shadow War, Dr. Franklin set up a domed medical facility to handle the overflow of refugee patients and Commander Ivanova utilized the Great Machine to boost the power of the Voice of the Resistance broadcasts from Babylon 5. However, Draal has denied repeated requests by scientists from a number of races to be allowed to study the Great Machine. Epsilon III is protected by a great number of weapons ranging in power from the lethal to the incredibly horrendous. Draal has shown no compunction against using them against those he considers to be intruders. In light of this Epsilon III is a forbidden zone. No one is allowed to attempt a landing without first clearing such an attempt with either Draal, Captain Sheridan, Commander Ivanova, or Ambassador Delenn.